by Warren Whitlock | Mar 18, 2010 | Book Marketing, online promotion, Social Media
Enter a book you like and the site will analyze our database of real readers’ favorite books (nearly 70,000 different titles so far, and more than a million reader recommendations) to suggest what you could read next. (You can register on the results page and...
by Warren Whitlock | Mar 18, 2010 | Book Marketing, publishing
I enjoyed watching this. No matter that there are some differing views on many of the points they are trying to make. Once you watch the whole “Death of Publishing” video you’ll have much more to think about. We’ve discussed these issues on many other posts here, so I...
by Warren Whitlock | Mar 12, 2010 | e-book, publishing
I just received an email from Apple announcing that I could buy an iPad now for delivery next month. What’s odd about this? Apple doesn’t spam me. I get receipts from iTunes and an occasional holiday reminder that an iPod makes a great holiday gift. While I’m sure...
by Warren Whitlock | Mar 10, 2010 | Book Marketing, publishing, Social Media
Here’s a fun way to let the world in on your upcoming book. The video is a look at the work required to create a book cover Blameless, but Gail Carriger, debuts in April. Tags: blamelss,gail carriger,book cover marketing,book promoiton video,online...
by Warren Whitlock | Mar 5, 2010 | Book Marketing, e-book, publishing, Selling Books
From EnGadget Microsoft’s Courier ‘digital journal’: exclusive pictures and details We’ve been dying to know more about Microsoft’s Courier tablet / e-book device ever since we first caught wind of it last September, and while our...