What Makes a Good Story?

What Makes a Good Story?

I’ve been reading the work of JD Lasica and came across a link to Digital Storytelling: A Tutorial in 10 Steps The whole piece is good, but step one is a great place to start for any author who wants to share stories: Step 1: Decide on the Story You Want to Tell You...

Publish Your Book As An Experience

Publishing is not just pages in a book. You know about ebooks, audio books and programs derived from books using video, multimedia and web technologies. Now let’s rethink the reading/viewing/consuming experience. There are new tools coming that will allow you to put...
What Famous Author Writes Like You?

What Famous Author Writes Like You?

Every time I see a site that will analyze my writing style, tell me how search engine friend I write or judge my vocabulary level, I get mixed emotions. A bit scared that I’ll be found out.. my skills put down by a machine that tells me I don’t measure up in some way....