by Warren Whitlock | Feb 26, 2011 | e-book, Selling on Amazon
Joanna Penn shares tips on getting your book on Kindle, in ways that readers will like Kindle publishing tips
by Warren Whitlock | Feb 25, 2011 | Book Marketing, media publicity
I gotta admit it. I still like getting a book from someone wanting a review. Especially if it’s from and author I’ve met, or a friend recommending a title. But today, I read most books on my Kindle, phone or computer or audio playback. As usual, my friend Robert...
by Warren Whitlock | Jan 16, 2011 | make money online
While researching content to contribute to RealJobsWriting, a new blog for writers who want to make money from home we found this: Here’s a video on how to make money from writing. Some general ideas about what is possible for a writer who want to be paid for writing....
by Warren Whitlock | Jan 2, 2011 | Authors
Guest post about books and success by Geri Schneider Winters, Wyyzzk, Inc. Marketing your own book is a necessity, especially when you are published by a “real” publisher. This is a lesson I learned the hard way. In late 1996, I was asked to teach a class...
by Warren Whitlock | Dec 11, 2010 | Book Marketing, Networking, online promotion
With all the talk of social media and the dominance of Facebook in the our thoughts when we market your book online, authors have been asking me “Do I still need a mailing list?” The answer is any unwavering YES! When I started my mailing list back in the 1990’s, just...