by Warren Whitlock | Jun 2, 2016 | Authors
This post was first published in 2012. It has been updated to our new format and reviewed to help authors today in 2016 This Book Made Me Think. My highest praise for a book is “it causes me to think in a new way about things.” I read books to get a background on what...
by warren | Dec 24, 2010 | Write a Book
Sometimes when I’m working on my next BestSeller book, I get a bit of writer’s block, I get up from where I am writing and take a walk Within a few minutes, I’m interrupting the walk to write down an idea. Chris Voss show us a another alterative… Write wherever you...
by warren | Dec 7, 2010 | Best Seller Campaigns, Book Marketing, Press Release, Social Media
72 Authors joined together to share gifts and a book from Dr. Tianna Conti: Love’s Fire: Beyond Mortal Boundaries. The publisher notified Amazon and made sure there were books in stock. All the authors involved contributed bonuses and a special offer was made for...
by warren | Oct 23, 2010 | Best Seller Campaigns, Book Marketing, Selling Books, Social Media
Best selling author David Meeman Scott’s new book will be out next week but as usual, he’s been marketing and promoting it for some time. Real-Time Marketing and PR: How to Instantly Engage Your Market, Connect with Customers, and Create Products that Grow Your...
by Warren Whitlock | Oct 18, 2010 | Author Training
I just read an excellent article called The 10 Worst Business Ideas of All Time by Dave Logan. Most of the ideas were focus companies and used language that might turn off some authors. However, as we’ve said many times here, Your Book is a Business When I speak to...