We are doing a major push for one of my new author’s books today.. “Unlimited Business Financing” by Trent Lee and Chad Lee tell small businesses exactly what you need to do to get the business credit that will give you the funds you need to grow quickly.
As you might guess.. the reaction from our readers has been strong. People are very keen on getting this kind of information, and the BOOK PROMO site is full of other gifts for authors and businesses that wish to grow their income.
But when I heard about Susan Bagyura promoting a book today, I knew I couldn’t pass up sharing this with you.
Susan Bagyura brings her expertise from years in sales, marketing, and the corporate world to a new level. Her solid experience as an Executive Leadership Coach and LifeSuccess Consultant give this book a combination of information and guidance that can make a good, successful business person into a stellar success living an ab undant life. The Visionary Leader is a great first step to working with Susan and changing your business, your life, and the world around you for the better. You will learn to be a goal achiever, not just a goal setter; sharpen your leadership skills; develop better business relationships; enjoy more success than you thought you could achieve; and learn tips to open the door to a more abundant life.
But Here’s the Best Part…
I sent a note to Susan telling her about that we were mailing and had a promtiont today.
I didn’t expect much on it. I know how busy authors get doing promotion for their book.
So I was very surprised when I say an email back from here within minutes.. Not just a “yeah OK” acknowledgment.. a nicely written note offering to support or ZERO COST PROMOTIONS promotions
I was touched by this and decided to share this with you.. and encourage your to take just a moment now and look at Susan’s promo program at her web site.
Think about it. If every author reading this reached out to help a few other authors the way Susan did. We would all sell more books, meet the best new authors, and grow our network to powerful promote the important messages we have.
Have you bought a book and reached out to the author. Try it. And then comment below to share your experience.

Thank you for the article. My name is Denise L. Cook, The ORACLE. I’ve just released my second book, The ORACLE Speaks…just because. I am inspired to know there are others in this universe who think first of mankind and then of themselves. Bless Susan and her spirit for giving. Much love, hugs and kisses,
Thank you for the article. My name is Denise L. Cook, The ORACLE. I’ve just released my second book, The ORACLE Speaks…just because. I am inspired to know there are others in this universe who think first of mankind and then of themselves. Bless Susan and her spirit for giving. Much love, hugs and kisses,