Smart authors are looking at new ways to deliver their book. We know about ebooks, but what about apps. Here’s some news today about Ebook App Creation, and information about a case study that you can download free.

Ebook App Creation

This blog post is an excerpt from a case study that is available as a PDF download from Digital Book World.

In digital publishing today, storybook app creation is still a niche. Compared to printed books, creating book apps is in its infancy and still chartering the road “less traveled by” to borrow the words of Robert Frost – and at Wasabi Productions, we believe it can and will make “all the difference.”

ebook app creationClearly, we aren’t the only ones who think so as this nascent industry is teeming with innovative app creation (especially for children). Device adoption is exploding in both homes and schools – this year, International Data Corporation (IDC) said it expects the tablet market to reach “a new high” of 190 million shipped units, with year-on-year growth of 48.7%, while the smartphone market is expected to grow 27.2% to 918.5 million units. Device variety and price points are also diversifying, and their ubiquity and storytelling potential mean that apps won’t be the marginal choice for digital publishing for very long.

But, when a path is (relatively) new and untrodden, it’s intimidating to know what it takes to get to the other side. It’s even intimidating to talk about the craft, as there are no agreed norms and few benchmarks. For this and a myriad of other reasons, it’s not yet fully known what it takes to create a profitable storybook app.

Lazy Larry himself

This case study explains how Wasabi Productions created its first app, Lazy Larry Lizard, and provides insight into the development of soon-to-bereleased app, Gorilla Band. We share notes on how the storybook apps are produced from start to finish, including costs, production process, people, technology, pricing, release cycle, marketing and more.

While the case study is far to long to publish here (it’s available here as a low-cost download), below is an excerpt about the first and perhaps most important step in storybook app creation: Idea and exploration.