Most authors today depend on Amazon for a large part of book sales.

You will sell more books when you have your book reviewed on Amazon. Here’s some tips.

Build your network on Amazon.

Set up a profile, add a blog, make sure you have a photo and links to your email and web site. The more people who know you, the more opportunities there are to cross promote and build readership. People don’t just buy or read one book, and the ones who buy the most are already networking with author authors like you.

Review other good books in your niche.

Add a review of books you read, expecially for authors you know. There is a link on each book page (Here’s the link for “Twitter Revolution: How Social Media and Mobile Marketing is Changing the Way We Do Business & Market Online”). You need to be logged in to Amazon, then

  1. Click that you are over 13 (I’ll assume you are, but answer truthfully)
  2. Clcik on the number of stars you want to give the book. (I almost always choose 5 stars because I only pick books I love)
  3. Enter a Title. This is the headline, so make it interesting. One key point, with keywords, or maybe a question
  4. Write your review. You can upload a video. This have tons of “search engin cred”.. make sure you write to readers sharing an honest point or two about how the book will benefit them
  5. If appropriate, put a link to your book, or any other product on Amazon. No hype, no sales pitch.. but a link will let people read more
  6. Add Tags.. VERY IMPORTANT put the keywords that will help readers find this book, and the link to your profile