Most authors I meet have important ideas to share. That’s why we want to sell a lot of books.

We want our message to be heard.

In the social media (web 2.0) world of online marketing and book promotions today, I talk to a lot of authors who tell me that they need to get more people to listen.

But are you listening to your readers?

Robert Scoble is one of the most connected people in the new technologies being used in online marketing today. His best selling book Naked Conversations is a must read, and he always draw a crowd.. online or offline.

This week, he took on the subject of, one of the fastest growing sites.

Most people try to get people to read their tweets ( messages). Robert says that’s backward.

Read this short article about listening on twitter.

You can follow me on twitter at  If you do, I will be subscribing to your posts, looking for your feedback.

Post a comment here about your experiences on I’ll be reading and listening here too