You know it can be very frustrating it can be to get the momentum going with all the other things going on in your life.
What if I could show you 7 simple strategies that you could use right now, to work less, but still get more done when it comes to writing or marketing your next project?
My special Guest, Jeff Mills wrote The Outsourcing Compendium on for a webinar presentation revealing his outsourcing secrets that will free up your time, allow you to work less and even get more publicity
A webinar is a live presentation, similar to a teleseminar. You will login to a presentation using your computer and watch the presentation, right on your monitor.
You’ll listen to the presentation, right over your phone, or through skype if you live outside the USA.
You can sign up now for FREE. You will get a pass to the webinar with Jeff Mills, plus a free copy of The Outsourcing Compendium
Technorati Tags: outsourcing, book writing, ghost writier, virtual assistant, editing help