Roger Parker asked me to speak to his private group of guerrilla marketers about book marketing and self promotion using social media.

I’ve been a fan of Jay Conrad Levinson and member of the Guerrilla Marketing Association, but I wondered about doing this as publicity. After all, there wasn’t a link I could share and promote the call to my mailing list or social media friends.

Roger is a friend, so of course I said yes and thought of it as a favor for someone that may connect me with resources later. Following the Law or Reciprocity I knew that I did not need to track this to immediate sales, I give where I can and know it wilil pay of in the long run.

I got more than I bargained for.

Roger did an excellent job on the interview and helped bring out some vital information for his group. Then he blogged about one tip I gave him about using Amazon in a new way. I linked back to that and tagged Roger’s site on social media.

I have been doing several interviews a day for my new book Twitter Revolution, so I’ve not been working the online promotion for book marketing as much. But today, I had a moment to search on my name (I recommend this for all authors in my free course at

#1 is still my named site. #2 out of 30,000+ links was Roger Parker’s Blog

roger parker, twitter book, online marketing, blog interviews