I’m teaching a group of authors to market themselves on line and create their own best seller book.

bribe.jpgWe have a big opportunity for authors to network, so I sent them an email with a  bribe. Since it has my best tips for building your network of best selling authors, I thought I’d share it here.

(I left the bribe intact, but it will only be good through 3/16/2011)

SUBJECT: Getting Best Selling Authors to Promote YOU

Dear Author,

The secret of selling books is to reach readers.

And there is one thing we know readers do…

They read the books of other authors.

I’ve met thousands of authors. Each and every one of them want more readers. Successful authors have learned this simple fact:


You may not have a million readers yet. You may still be working on you book, but START NOW to network with other authors and you’ll be exposed to millions of readers before you publish.


Remember, every author wants more readers. They all LOVE to hear that you bought, read, and shared their books.

When you see a new book from an author you want to connect with try this.

1. Order a copy of the book

2. Review the book on Amazon, your blog, or social media

3. Find their web site, blog, social media profile and drop them a note

WARNING: Don’t lead with "I bought your book, please buy mine" .. You’ll look like a salesman. Instead, write a complimentary note, thank them.

Here’s the big SECRET: Other authors are JUST LIKE YOU.. they read their reviews, comments on their blog, and the ALWAYS are glad to hear from a reader.

You never have to beg them to help you.. they KNOW it’s polite to reciprocate.

Will this always work?

Most of the time. And so much so that I"m SHOCKED that more authors don’t do this.

Ready To Try this?

We’re launching Donna Marie Thompson’s first book to BEST SELLER status on 3/16. You can read about it here:


When you order a copy, you’ll see 27 author authors who are also working to build their readership. All offering free gifts

You may find a few of the gifts are just what you need to help you in your own life. But that’s not the only reason to buy. Look for the authors who you can connect with . Subscribe to their newsletters, download their free gifts, and make sure you share their blogs and websites and books with your network (not the gift.. just their public stuff)

When you do this, you will be AMAZED at how often you get as personal note back from the author, thanking you for sharing and you will have a new friend.

Now, imagine how Donna Marie and I will react when you ask us to spread the word about YOUR BOOK.. We’d be DELIGHTED TO HELP YOU!

It’s that simple.. the SECRET that gets any author to share their network of readers with you

Try this today and I"ll be watching for your success story

Warren Whitlock

PS. HERE’S a BRIBE to help you get started. If you order TWO COPIES of "Bouncing Back From Loss" (one for you and one for a friend.. must be shipped to two separate addresses) I will give you INSTANT PROMOTION.

Send the two receipts (must have AMAZON order numbers) to me via REPLY to [email protected]) and Let me know where you want people to go to see your book/blog/promotion/event.

I will tell my 152,327 followers about you and your link.

It doesn’t have to be up now.. I will give you up to 90 days to give me that link.

To qualify, you MUST order TWO copies of the book from Amazon on separate orders on 3/16/2011.

You’ll get the gifts, the books, the connections and a promotional blast from me.